


Ven.Deniyaye Paññāloka Buddharakkhita Bhante

1973 Born in Sri Lanka.
1986 Ordained as a novice monk.
1994 Received higher ordination
1996 Graduated, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
1997 Appointed as a lecturer, University of Kelaniya.
2006 Graduate researcher, Graduate school of Humanities, Kyushu University, Japan.

At Present :
A senior Lecturer in Department of Pali and Buddhist studies in University of Kelaniya Deputy Incumbent, Kelaniya Rajamaha Viharaya & Kitsirimevan Kelaniya Rajamaha Viharaya The principal of Sri Kalyani Dhamma School

2012年慈しみ寺 副住職
2015年慈しみ寺 住職(第2代)

Most Ven. Professor Kollupitiye Mahinda Saṅgharakkhita Nāyaka Bhante

1953 Born in Sri Lanka.
1979 Postgraduate researcher, Sorbonne University, France.
1982 Postgraduate researcher, Delhi University, India.
1987 Ph.D., Delhi University, India.
1992 Appointed as the Chief Incumbent of the Kelaniya Rajamaha Viharaya.
2008 Appointed as the professor of Buddhist studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.

At Present :
Professor, Buddhist Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka    
The Chief Incumbent, Kelaniya Rajamaha Viharaya & Kitsirimevan Kelaniya Rajamaha Viharaya 

2012年慈しみ寺 初代住職
2015年慈しみ寺 最高顧問


「Gihi Vinaya, 1997」
「Budunwadala Caritaya, 1999」
「Sampindita Nidhanam, 2005」
「Parani Budusirita, 2006」
「Madyamaka Darshanayata Perawadanak, 2007」
「Gatika Bauddha Manavidyava, 2008



ブッダァ釈尊へのお布施(Buddhapūjā (Dhātupūjā and Bodhipūjā)
読経(朝夕のみ)Chanting (Teaching of all Buddhas, Mangalasutta, Ratanasutta, 
 Mettasutta, Aṭṭhavīsati Buddha Paritta, Sīvalī Paritta, Jayaparitta,Jinapañjara) [morning and evening only]
神々への廻向 Transferring merit to gods
供養(お亡くなりになり、次の生に向かわれた方々へ)Transferring merit to the dead and departed ones
僧侶へのお布施(朝正午前のみ)Saghadāna – offering vegetarian meals to monks [morning and lunch only]  


(Session for study early Buddhism and Bhāvanā
第4日曜日 9時30分~14時30分


5月 ウェーサカ祭り
   Wesak Celebrations – Meritorious activities for the anniversaries of
   the Buddha’s birth, Enlightenment and Entering into
   Final Emancipation.
5月 開山法要(Anniversary of establishing Mettāvihāra)
7月 雨安居(Observing rainy retreat)
8月 広島平和祈念法要
   (Hiroshima Atomic Bomb anniversary memorial meritorious deeds
     for transferring merit to the dead and wish blessings for those 
8月 お盆特別供養会
   (Obon special meritorious day for the transferring merit to
    the ancestors)
11月 カティナ袈裟法要
   (Kahina Robe offering ceremony at the end of the
    rainy retreat.)





Religious Services

At present, the Mettāvihāra provides its devotees and visitors an exceptional and a unique opportunity of learning and practicing the early Buddhist teachings preserved by the Theravāda tradition (including Samatha and Vipassanā Bhāvanā) which represents the teachings and practices of the oldest Buddhist tradition in its history. It also offers a rare chance of experiencing and sharing the distinctive Buddhist culture – long preserved in Buddhist lands of Sri Lanka, Burma (Myanmar) and Thailand (Siam), Cambodia and Laos. (by Ven.DP)






*Saṅghavandanā サンガァウァンダナー サンガァ(僧)への礼拝
スパティパンノー バァガウァトー サーウァカサンゴォー
Supaṭipanno Bhagavato sāvakasaṅgho(1)
ウジュパティパンノー バァガウァトー サーウァカサンゴォー
ujupaṭipanno Bhagavato sāvakasaṅgho(2)
ニャーヤパティパンノー バァガウァトー サーウァカサンゴォー
ñāyapaṭipanno Bhagavato sāvakasaṅgho(3)
サーミーチパティパンノー バァガウァトー サーウァカサンゴォー
sāmīcipaṭipanno Bhagavato sāvakasaṅgho(4)
ヤディダン チャッターリ プリサユガーニ アッタァプリサ プッガラー
yadidaṃ cattāri purisayugāni aṭṭhapurisa puggalā
エーサ バァガウァトー サーウァカサンゴォー
esa Bhagavato sāvakasagho この世尊の弟子たるサンガァ(僧伽)は
āhuneyyo(5) 遠くから出かけて、捧げ物をするに相応しい
pāhuneyyo(6) 客として迎えて、捧げ物をするに相応しい
dakkhiṇeyyo(7) 尊敬の心で、捧げ物をするに相応しい
añjalikaraṇīyo(8) 礼拝して、尊敬するに相応しい
アヌッタラン プンニャッケェッタン ローカッサー ティ
anuttaraṃ puññakkhettaṃ lokassā ti.(9) 
世の無上の福田です(実り(幸福をもたらすもの)) と聞いております
Dhammapadaの注釈 HPからダウンロードできるPDF e-booksです
Stories giving background to verses, tr E. W. Burlingame as Buddhist Legends, 1921, 3 volumes, Harvard Oriental Series; reprinted PTS,

Dhammapada 1. もろもろの法は心が先行する 汚れた心には苦が従う
Thought is of all things first, thought is of all things foremost, of thought are all things made.
If with thought corrupt a man speak or act,
Suffering follows him, even as a wheel follows the hoof of the beast of burden.

Dhammapada 2. もろもろの法は心が先行する 清らかな心には楽が従う
Thought is of all things first, thought is of all things foremost, of thought are all things made.
If with thought of faith a man speak or act,
Happiness follows him, even as a shadow never fading.

Sutta nipāta 25 Metta sutta 慈経
May all beings be happy and secure.
May all beings have happy minds.

Whatever living beings there may be,
Without exception:weak or strong,
Long or large,
Medium, short, subtle or gross,

Visible or invisible,
Living near or far,
Born or coming to birth-
May all beings have happy minds.

Let no one deceive another,
Nor despise anyone anywhere.
Neither from anger nor ill will
Should anyone wish harm to another.

As a mother would risk her own life
To protect her only child,
Even so towards all living beings,
One should cultivate a boundless heart.

One should cultivate for all the world
A heart of boundless loving-friendliness,
Above, below, and all around,
Unobstructed, without hatred or resentment.

Whether standing, walking, or sitting,
Lying down or whenever awake,
One should develop this mindfulness.
This is called divinely dwelling here.

Not falling into erroneous views,
But virtuous and endowed with vision,
Removing desire for sensual pleasures,
One comes never again to birth in the womb.
(Bhavana Vandana: Devotions for Meditation : Bhante Henepola GUNARATANA : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive)
参考 Dhammapada 40 Metta suttaの因縁話

Dhammapada 368
Mettāvihārī yo bhikkhu, pasanno buddhasāsane
Adhigacche pada santa, sakhārūpasama sukha.
That monk who abides in loving-kindness(Metta), and who has faith in the Religion of the Bhddha,
Will reach the Place of Peace, Cessation of Existence, Happiness
Stories giving background to verses, tr E. W. Burlingame as Buddhist Legends, 1921, 3 volumes, Harvard Oriental Series; reprinted PTS, Oxford


Majjhima nikāya 131 Bhaddekaratta Sutta 中部 131 賢善一喜経 
MN 131: One Fine Night —Bhikkhu Sujato (suttacentral.net)
Bhaddekaratta Sutta: The Discourse on the Ideal Lover of Solitude (accesstoinsight.org)
Let not a person revive the past,
Or on the future build his hopes; 
For the past has been left behind,
And the future has not been reached.

Instead with insight let him see
Each presently arisen state;
Let him know that and be sure of it,
Invincibly, unshakably.

Today the effort must be made;
Tomorrow Death may come, who knows?
No bargain with Mortality
Can keep him and his hordes away.

But one who dwells thus ardently,
Relentlessly, by day, by night;
It is he, the Peaceful Sage has said,
Who has had a single excellent night.
translated by Bhante Henepola Gunaratana

Dhammapada 282
From meditation springs wisdom: from lack of meditation, wisdom dwindles away.
He that knows this twofold path of gain and loss
Should so settle himself that wisdom may increase.

Saṃyutta nikāya 36 Nakulapita Sutta 相応部 ナクラピター経:病身を訴える男性信者第一人へのブッダァ釈尊のご法話
Nakulapita Sutta: To Nakulapita (accesstoinsight.org)
SN 22.1: Nakulapita—Bhikkhu Bodhi (suttacentral.net)
“I am old, venerable sir, aged, burdened with years, advanced in life, come to the last stage, afflicted in body, often ill. I rarely get to see the Blessed One and the bhikkhus worthy of esteem. Let the Blessed One exhort me, venerable sir, let him instruct me, since that would lead to my welfare and happiness for a long time.”
“So it is, householder, so it is! This body of yours is afflicted, weighed down, encumbered. If anyone carrying around this body were to claim to be healthy even for a moment, what is that due to other than foolishness? Therefore, householder, you should train yourself thus: ‘Even though I am afflicted in body, my mind will be unafflicted.’ Thus should you train yourself.” 
translated by Bhikkhu Bodhi (病身であろうとも、心は無病になるであろう)

Majjhima nikāya 143 Anathapindikovada sutta 中部 143 アナータピンディカ教誡経:臨死の信者へのサーリップタ阿羅漢の説示
Anathapindikovada Sutta: Instructions to Anathapindika (accesstoinsight.org)
MN 143: Advice to Anāthapiṇḍika —Bhikkhu Sujato (suttacentral.net)
That’s how severe the burning is in my body. I’m not keeping well, Master Sāriputta, I’m not alright. The pain is terrible and growing, not fading, its growing, not its fading, is evident.”

“That’s why, householder, you should train like this: ‘I shall not grasp the eye, and there shall be no consciousness of mine dependent on the eye.’ That’s how you should train.
“Well then, Master Sāriputta, let it occur to you to teach such a Dhamma talk to white-clothed laypeople as well! There are gentlemen with little dust in their eyes. They’re in decline because they haven’t heard the teaching. There will be those who understand the teaching!”
translated by Bhikkhu Sujato

Saṃyutta nikāya 35.7 Gelañña 相応部 疾病経:療養中の比丘へのブッダァ釈尊の訓告
Gelañña Sutta: The Sick Ward (1) (accesstoinsight.org)
SN 36.7: The Sick Ward (1)—Bhikkhu Bodhi (suttacentral.net)

Dīgha nikāya 16 Mahāpadāna sutta 長部 16 大般涅槃経
DN 16: The Great Discourse on the Buddha’s Extinguishment —Bhikkhu Sujato (suttacentral.net)

So the Buddha went with Ānanda to the hall with the peaked roof, and said to him, “Go, Ānanda, gather all the mendicants staying in the vicinity of Vesālī together in the assembly hall.”
“Yes, sir,” replied Ānanda. He did what the Buddha asked, went up to him, bowed, stood to one side, and said to him, “Sir, the mendicant Saṅgha has assembled. Please, sir, go at your convenience.”
Then the Buddha went to the assembly hall, where he sat on the seat spread out and addressed the mendicants:
“So, mendicants, having carefully memorized those things I have taught you from my direct knowledge, you should cultivate, develop, and make much of them so that this spiritual practice may last for a long time. That would be for the welfare and happiness of the people, for the benefit, welfare, and happiness of gods and humans. And what are those things I have taught from my direct knowledge? They are: the four kinds of mindfulness meditation, the four right efforts, the four bases of psychic power, the five faculties, the five powers, the seven awakening factors, and the noble eightfold path.
These are the things I have taught from my direct knowledge. Having carefully memorized them, you should cultivate, develop, and make much of them so that this spiritual practice may last for a long time. That would be for the welfare and happiness of the people, for the benefit, welfare, and happiness of gods and humans.”
Then the Buddha said to the mendicants:
“Come now, mendicants, I say to you all: ‘Conditions fall apart. Persist with diligence.’ The final extinguishment of the Realized One will be soon. Three months from now the Realized One will finally be extinguished.”
That is what the Buddha said. 
Then the Holy One, the Teacher, went on to say:
“I’ve reached a ripe old age, and little of my life is left.
Having given it up, I’ll depart; I’ve made a refuge for myself.
Diligent and mindful, be of good virtues, mendicants!
With well-settled thoughts, take good care of your minds.
Whoever meditates diligently in this teaching and training,
giving up transmigration through rebirths, will make an end to suffering.”
translated by Bhikkhu Sujato

“Sir, how do we proceed when it comes to the Realized One’s corpse?”
“Don’t get involved in the rites for venerating the Realized One’s corpse, Ānanda. Please, Ānanda, you must all strive and practice for your own goal! Meditate diligent, keen, and resolute for your own goal! There are astute aristocrats, brahmins, and householders who are devoted to the Realized One. They will perform the rites for venerating the Realized One’s corpse.”
translated by Bhikkhu Sujato