


 The Mettāvihāra (Itsukushimidera) in Onaga Higashi, Hiroshima, is a Theravāda Buddhist temple in Japan. Opening a new era of the Buddhist history of Japan, the first ever Theravāda Buddhist temple in Hiroshima, the Mettāvihāra was opened on Wesak full moon day (May 27), 2012.
 On 22nd November 2015, having moved to Onaga Higashi of the East ward of Hiroshima city, with the formal opening of the Gandhakui (Scented Residence for the Buddha) and formally establishing the Sīmā(Chapter House) – the Hall for Buddhist Ecclesiastical Performances, at present, Mettavihāra exists on a beautiful and calm mountain with a serene forest at Onaga Higashi of Hiroshima East ward.
 The term Mettāvihāra means the Monastery of Loving Kindness or the Abode (or residence) of Loving Kindness – the quality of heart that wishes wellbeing and happiness of all living things. In a very specific Buddhist spiritual sense, it also means living with (or in) a heart of loving kindness.
 The Mettāvihāra has its roots in the historic Kelaniya Rajamahā Vihāraya of Sri Lanka – a land where the Theravāda tradition has its unbroken history of 2563 years.
(by Ven.Deniyaye Paññāloka Buddharakkhita Bhante(Ven.DP))


 当山の本山は、スリランカ国、現在(西暦2019年)まで2563年間途絶えることなく、仏法僧の尊厳を守る伝統を継承している島国の、the historic Kelaniya Rajamahā Vihāraya(歴史のあるケラニア寺院)です。

慈しみ寺開山法要 2012.11.12

Kelaniya Rajamahā Vihāraya

 The Mettāvihāra is an affiliated temple to the historic Kelaniya Rajamahā Vihāraya in Sri Lanka.
 The Kelaniya (Kalyāni [Pali and Skr.]) Rajamahā Vihāra or Historic Kelaniya Temple is one of the oldest sacred Buddhist temples of Sri Lanka
 It is in the city of Kelaniya on the banks of Kelaniya river – just seven miles away from Colombo city.
 According to the Pāli historical records, i.e., the Dīpavasa and the Mahāvasa etc., the Kelaniya temple derives its sacred historical significance from the third and final visit of the Sākyamuni Buddha (c. 563 – 483 BCE) to Sri Lanka, the island nation of the South of India in the Indian ocean, on the Wesak full moon day of the eighth year (520 BCE) after attaining the complete enlightenment. Thus, Kelaniya Temple was established 2538 years ago in commemoration of this sacred historical event. (by Ven.DP)


 当山は、スリランカ国のケラニア寺院の正式な末寺です。ケラニア寺院はスリランカ国の最も古い聖なる寺院のひとつです。同院は、コロンボから7マイル離れたケラニア市のケラニア川の畔にあります。パーリ語の歴史書、the Dīpavasa(島史)、the Mahāvasa(大歴史)等によると、ケラニア寺院の歴史は、ブッダァ釈尊(仏陀)(紀元前563-483年)がインド洋の南方の島国であるスリランカを3回目に訪れた、お悟りを開かれた8年後のウェーサーカの満月の日の同国最後の訪問(紀元前520年)という聖なる歴史的意義のある出来事から始まります。ケラニア寺院は、今から2538年前(紀元前520年)に、この聖なる歴史的な訪問を記念し建立されました。

The Sacred Relics

 The new temple received sacred relics of the Buddha (dhātu) from the Kelaniya Rajamahā Vihāraya.
 The most precious sacred assets of the Mettāvihāra are the sacred relics of the Buddha. At present, the relics are preserved in the Shrine Room of the temple.
 Originally, they were available as the secured and esteemed properties of the Kelaniya Rajamahā Vihāraya, Sri Lanka.
 The silver casket in the relic chamber contains three genuine sacred relics of the Buddha. Two of them are bone relics. The third is one of the hair relics entrusted to Kelaniya temple for protection by an ancient monastery of the north-eastern Sri Lanka.
 All the three relics are historically and archaeologically established to be the real relics of the Buddha.
 When the Mettāvihāra was established on 27th May 2012, Most Ven. Kollupitiye Mahinda Sangharakkhita Nayaka Thera, the present chief incumbent of the Kelaniya Rajamahā  Vihāraya entrusted these revered relics to the Mettāvihāra to be duly respected and preserved in Japan. (by Ven.DP)


 これらの御仏舎利は、2012年5月27日の慈しみ寺開山に際し、ケラニア寺院総管長レブ コッルピティエ マヒンダ サンガラキッタ ナーヤカ テーロ師により、日本において、伝統に則って正しく尊敬され、大切に保持されるべき御仏舎利として移管されました。




(Dhammapada法句経183 訳Ven.Deniyaye Paññāloka Buddharakkhita Bhante)」


 紀元前5世紀、北インドのシャーキャ族(釈迦族)のゴータマ シッダッタ王子(Siddhattha Gotama)は、全ての生命の幸せを求めて出家されました。
紀元前528年5月の満月の日、6年間行った苦行から離れ、ブッダガヤーのピッパラ樹(植物名:Ficus religiosa)の元で瞑想し、悟りを開かれ、ブッダァ釈尊(仏陀)となられました。以来、この樹はBodhi-tree(ゴータマ ブッダァの樹)、仏教国では、尊敬を込めてMahā Bodhi(聖菩提樹様)と呼ばれています。

Paṭhama-Buddhavacanaṃ Udānaṃ
 (ブッダァ釈尊最初のお言葉 感嘆の偈)
 Aneka jāti saṃsāraṃ – sandhqvissaṃ anibbisaṃ,
 gahakārakaṃ gavesanto – dukkhā jāti punappunaṃ.
 Gahakāraka diṭṭhosi – puna geha na kāhasi,
 sabbā te phāsukā bhaggā – gahaṃ kūṭaṃ visaṃkhitaṃ,
 visaṃkhāra gataṃ cittaṃ – taṇhānaṃ khayaṃ ajjhagā.

タンハー(taṇhā 渇愛)のない状態を獲得した。

(Dhammapada法句経153,154 訳Ven.Deniyaye Paññāloka Buddharakkhita Bhante)




*Buddhavandanā ブッダァウァンダナー ブッダァ釈尊(仏陀)への礼拝
イティ ピ/ ソー バァガウァー
Iti pi so Bhagavā
サムマー サムブッドォー
sammā sambuddho(2)
ウィッジャーチャラナ サムパンノー
vijjācaraṇa sampanno(3)
アヌッタロー プリサダムマサーラティ
anuttaro purisadammasārathi(6)
サッタァー デーウァマヌッサーナン
satthā devamanussāna(7)
バァガウァー ティ
bhagavā ti.(9)
世尊(すべての福徳を備え、尊敬されている方) と聞いております。

Majjhima nikāya 36 Mahā Saccaka sutta 中部 36 大サッチャカ経
Maha-Saccaka Sutta: The Longer Discourse to Saccaka (accesstoinsight.org)
MN 36: The Greater Discourse to Saccaka—Bhikkhu Bodhi (suttacentral.net)
Dhammapada 153,154 Paṭhama_Buddhavacanaṃ Udānaṃ 法句経 153,154
紀元前528年5月の満月の日、6年間行った苦行から離れ、ブッダガヤーのピッパラ樹(植物名:Ficus religiosa(Mahā Bodhi 聖菩提樹様))の元で瞑想し、お悟りを開かれたブッダァ釈尊の最初の独白は、感嘆の偈として知られています。この偈に仏教(ブッダァ釈尊のお教え)の根本が述べられています。

Pawhama_Buddhavacanaṃ Udānam
(ブッダァ釈尊最初のお言葉 感嘆の偈)
Aneka jāti saṃsāraṃ – sandhāvissaṃ anibbisaṃ, 
gahakārakaṃ gavesanto – dukkhā jāti punappunaṃ.
Gahakāraka diṭṭhosi – puna gehaṃ na kāhasi, 
sabbā te phāsukā bhaggā – gaha kūwaṃ visaṃkhitaṃ, 
visaṃkhāra gataṃ cittaṃ – taṇhānaṃ khayaṃ ajjhagā. 

(Dhammapada法句経153,154 訳 デニヤーイェ パンニャローカ バンテー)
Sayutta nikāya 22:26 相応部 22:26
SN 22.26: Gratification (1)—Bhikkhu Bodhi (suttacentral.net)

Dīgha nikāya 16 Mahāpadāna sutta 長部 16 大般涅槃長部
Maha-parinibbana Sutta: Last Days of the Buddha (accesstoinsight.org)
DN 16: The Great Discourse on the Buddha’s Extinguishment —Bhikkhu Sujato (suttacentral.net)
DN 16: The Discourse about the Great Emancipation—Bhikkhu Ānandajoti (suttacentral.net)
But it should not, Ananda, be so considered. For that which I have proclaimed and made known as the Dhamma and the Discipline, that shall be your Master when I am gone.
translated by Sister Vajira & Francis Story
Atha kho bhagavā bhikkhū āmantesi – ‘‘handa dāni, bhikkhave, āmantayāmi vo, vayadhammā saṅkhārā appamādena sampādethā’’ti.
And the Blessed One addressed the bhikkhus, saying: “Behold now, bhikkhus, I exhort you: All compounded things are subject to vanish. Strive with earnestness!”
translated by Sister Vajira & Francis Story
Aniccā vata saṅkhārā uppāda vaya dhammino, Uppajjitvā nirujjhanti teasaṃ vūpasamo sukho
Impermanent, indeed, are all processes, arisen they have the nature to decay. After arising they come to cessation, the stilling of them is blissful.
translated by Bhikkhu Ānandajoti

Majjhima nikāya 12 Mahasihanada sutta 中部 12 大獅子吼経
Maha-sihanada Sutta: The Great Discourse on the Lion’s Roar (accesstoinsight.org)
MN 12: The Greater Discourse on the Lion’s Roar—Bhikkhu Bodhi (suttacentral.net)
Majjhima nikāya 123 Acchariya abbhuta sutta 中部 123 稀有未曾有経
MN 123 Acchariy’abbhūtadhamma Sutta | Amazing & Astounding Qualities (dhammatalks.org)
MN 123: Incredible and Amazing —Bhikkhu Sujato (suttacentral.net)

Dhammapada 182 法句経 諸仏の出現は稀である
Dhammapada 194 法句経 幸福とは諸仏の出現である
Dhammapada 195,196 法句経 諸仏を供養する功徳は計り知れない

Dīgha nikāya 14 Mahāpadāna sutta 長部 14 大譬喩経
DN 14: The Great Discourse on the Harvest of Deeds —Bhikkhu Sujato (suttacentral.net)
Dhammapada 188-192 法句経 三帰依
Sutta nipāta 21 Ratana sutta 宝経(参考Dhammapada 290)
Ratana Sutta: Treasures (accesstoinsight.org)
Dīgha nikāya 21 Sakkapañha Sutta 帝釈天問経
DN 21: Sakka’s Questions —Bhikkhu Sujato (suttacentral.net)

Majjhima nikāya 36 Mahā Saccaka sutta 中部 36 大サッチャカ経
Saṃyutta nikāya 3:22 Ayyikāsuttaṃ 相応部 祖母経
Majjhima nikāya 130 Devadutasuttaṃ 中部 130 天使経
Though warned by the divine messengers, full many are the negligent.
And people may sorrow long indeed once gone down to the lower world.
But when by the divine messengers good people here in this life are warned,
they do not dwell in negligence but practice well the noble Dhamma.
Clinging they look upon with fear for it produces birth and death.
And by not clinging they are freed in the destruction of birth and death.
They dwell in bliss for they are safe and reach Nibbāna here and now.
They are beyond all fear and hate.
They have escaped all suffering.
translated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu
*梵行の果 ブッダァ釈尊の過去生の説示
Dīgha nikāya 17 Mahāsudassana Sutta(布施・調御・自制の果:転輪王)
Dīgha nikāya 19 Mahāgovinda Sutta(四梵柱の果:梵天)
Saṃyutta nikāya 56:31 Sīsapāvana sutta
the things I have directly known but have not taught you are numerous, 
while the things I have taught you are few. 
And what, bhikkhus, have I taught? 
I have taught: ‘This is suffering’; 
I have taught: ‘This is the origin of suffering’; 
I have taught: ‘This is the cessation of suffering’;
I have taught: ‘This is the way leading to the cessation of suffering.’ 
And why, bhikkhus, have I taught this? 
Because this is beneficial, relevant to the fundamentals of the holy life, 
and leads to revulsion, to dispassion, to cessation, to peace, to direct knowledge, 
to enlightenment, to Nibbāna. 

Therefore I have taught this.    translated by Bhikkhu Bodhi

Dīgha nikāya 2 Sāmaññaphala sutta 長部 2 沙門果経
Majjhima nikāya 107 Gaṇakamoggallāna sutta 中部 107 ガナカ・モッガラーナ経
Aṅguttara Nikāya 3 39 Abhiṇhapaccavekkhitabbaṭhānasuttaṃ
Five things have been well taught by the Sublime One who knows and sees, the Worthy One, perfectly enlightened by himself. These are subjects always to be reflected upon by women or men, householders or those who have gone forth. What are the five?
1. “I am of the nature to decay, I have not gone beyond decay,” is always to be reflected upon. 
2. “I am of the nature to be diseased, I have not gone beyond disease,” is always to be reflected upon.
3. “I am of the nature to die, I have not gone beyond death,” is always to be reflected upon.
4. “All that is mine, dear and delightful, will change and vanish,” is always to be reflected upon. 
5. “I am the owner of my kamma, heir to my kamma, born of my kamma, related to my kamma, abide supported by my kamma. Whatever kamma I shall do, whether good or evil, of that I shall be the heir,” is always to be reflected upon.
1. わたしは老いるものであり、老いという性質を乗り越えていない。このことを女性も男性も在家者も出家者も常に観察すべきです。
2. わたしは病むものであり、病という性質を乗り越えていない。このことを女性も男性も在家者も出家者も常に観察すべきです。
3. わたしは死すものであり、死という性質を乗り越えていない。このことを女性も男性も在家者も出家者も常に観察すべきです。
4. すべてのわたしのものは、好ましい喜ばしいものは、すべて変化し消えていくものである。このことを女性も男性も在家者も出家者も常に観察すべきです。

5. わたしは業で作られ、業を相続し、業から生まれ、業を親戚とし、業に依存している。わたしが(意図して)行うこと(業)は何であれ、善いことであれ悪しきことであれ、わたしが相続する(結果を受け取る)。このことを女性も男性も在家者も出家者も常に観察すべきです。

Aṅguttara Nikāya 3 39 Abhiṇhapaccavekkhitabbaṭhānasuttaṃ
Five things have been well taught by the Sublime One who knows and sees, the Worthy One, perfectly enlightened by himself. These are subjects always to be reflected upon by women or men, householders or those who have gone forth. What are the five?
1. “I am of the nature to decay, I have not gone beyond decay,” is always to be reflected upon. 
2. “I am of the nature to be diseased, I have not gone beyond disease,” is always to be reflected upon.
3. “I am of the nature to die, I have not gone beyond death,” is always to be reflected upon.
4. “All that is mine, dear and delightful, will change and vanish,” is always to be reflected upon. 
5. “I am the owner of my kamma, heir to my kamma, born of my kamma, related to my kamma, abide supported by my kamma. Whatever kamma I shall do, whether good or evil, of that I shall be the heir,” is always to be reflected upon.
1. わたしは老いるものであり、老いという性質を乗り越えていない。このことを女性も男性も在家者も出家者も常に観察すべきです。
2. わたしは病むものであり、病という性質を乗り越えていない。このことを女性も男性も在家者も出家者も常に観察すべきです。
3. わたしは死すものであり、死という性質を乗り越えていない。このことを女性も男性も在家者も出家者も常に観察すべきです。
4. すべてのわたしのものは、好ましい喜ばしいものは、すべて変化し消えていくものである。このことを女性も男性も在家者も出家者も常に観察すべきです。

5. わたしは業で作られ、業を相続し、業から生まれ、業を親戚とし、業に依存している。わたしが(意図して)行うこと(業)は何であれ、善いことであれ悪しきことであれ、わたしが相続する(結果を受け取る)。このことを女性も男性も在家者も出家者も常に観察すべきです。

Saṃyutta nikāya 56:31 Sīsapāvana sutta
the things I have directly known but have not taught you are numerous, 
while the things I have taught you are few. 
And what, bhikkhus, have I taught? 
I have taught: ‘This is suffering’; 
I have taught: ‘This is the origin of suffering’; 
I have taught: ‘This is the cessation of suffering’;
I have taught: ‘This is the way leading to the cessation of suffering.’ 
And why, bhikkhus, have I taught this? 
Because this is beneficial, relevant to the fundamentals of the holy life, 
and leads to revulsion, to dispassion, to cessation, to peace, to direct knowledge, 
to enlightenment, to Nibbāna. 

Therefore I have taught this.    translated by Bhikkhu Bodhi

Dīgha nikāya 2 Sāmaññaphala sutta 長部 2 沙門果経
Majjhima nikāya 107 Gaṇakamoggallāna sutta 中部 107 ガナカ・モッガラーナ経

Majjhima nikāya 151 Piṇḍapātapārisuddhi sutta 中部 151 托鉢食清浄経
The Purificaqtion of Alms (Sutta Central)

Aṅguttara Nikāya 3 39 Abhiṇhapaccavekkhitabbaṭhānasuttaṃ
Five things have been well taught by the Sublime One who knows and sees, the Worthy One, perfectly enlightened by himself. These are subjects always to be reflected upon by women or men, householders or those who have gone forth. What are the five?
1. “I am of the nature to decay, I have not gone beyond decay,” is always to be reflected upon. 
2. “I am of the nature to be diseased, I have not gone beyond disease,” is always to be reflected upon.
3. “I am of the nature to die, I have not gone beyond death,” is always to be reflected upon.
4. “All that is mine, dear and delightful, will change and vanish,” is always to be reflected upon. 
5. “I am the owner of my kamma, heir to my kamma, born of my kamma, related to my kamma, abide supported by my kamma. Whatever kamma I shall do, whether good or evil, of that I shall be the heir,” is always to be reflected upon.
1. わたしは老いるものであり、老いという性質を乗り越えていない。このことを女性も男性も在家者も出家者も常に観察すべきです。
2. わたしは病むものであり、病という性質を乗り越えていない。このことを女性も男性も在家者も出家者も常に観察すべきです。
3. わたしは死すものであり、死という性質を乗り越えていない。このことを女性も男性も在家者も出家者も常に観察すべきです。
4. すべてのわたしのものは、好ましい喜ばしいものは、すべて変化し消えていくものである。このことを女性も男性も在家者も出家者も常に観察すべきです。

5. わたしは業で作られ、業を相続し、業から生まれ、業を親戚とし、業に依存している。わたしが(意図して)行うこと(業)は何であれ、善いことであれ悪しきことであれ、わたしが相続する(結果を受け取る)。このことを女性も男性も在家者も出家者も常に観察すべきです。
